Fixed: The Site Approvals window has been updated to highlight any tabs with missing information or errors for the Reviewing IRB or Study Manager. This should help reduce errors and premature approval notification emails.
Category Archives: System Enhancements/ Bug Fixes
System Enhancements – November 13, 2017
Enhanced: IREx has added warning text and pop-up windows to all actions that trigger automatic email notifications to facilitate better communication from Reviewing IRBs to Participating Sites. These pop ups will identify who will be emailed and provide steps for what to do if you do not wish to send a notification immediately.
Enhanced: To help participating site HRPPs identify their local investigator / study team contacts, IREx now requires a Participating Site contact list document for studies where Participating Sites are listed. This document can be updated when new sites are added to the study.
Bug Fixes – November 13, 2017
Fixed: To facilitate accurate documentation of sites engaged in research, IREx now allows FWA components to be listed on a study independently from their primary FWA holding institution. If a component and the FWA holder have separate study teams participating on the same study, both can be listed, provide separate cede decisions, and have approval documents provided independently.
System Enhancements – September 25, 2017
Enhanced: IREx allows IRB/ HRPP Liaisons to deactivate users at their institutions who no longer need access to IREx. To deactivate an account, search for the user on the Find Other Users page; click the user name to open the edit user window; change the user status to inactive; and click save.
Enhanced: IREx now attaches the Participating Study Team Quick Guide to all new study invitation emails sent to study teams. This quick guide outlines how Participating Site Study Teams can provide access for other study team members and how to access and download approval documents.
Enhanced: IREx now allows the Reviewing IRB Liaisons to update the protocol version name when replacing a draft protocol with a final approved version.
Bug Fixes: September 25, 2017
Fixed: Liaison and study team access to approval documents is now restricted to only documents associated with their institution. Multi-site Liaisons and Liaisons of FWA components can see and download documents for all the FWA institutions and components they manage.
Fixed: We updated the Participating Site approvals interface to carry forward sites that ceded review on a previous version, but have not yet been approved on the most current version. This enhances the version control to ensure the Participating Site initial review is associated with the correct version of the protocol.
System Enhancements – March 3, 3017
Enhanced: Reviewing IRB Liaisons and IREx Study Managers can list individual Participating Sites on a study in IREx without creating a network or consortium.