Category Archives: IREx Study Manager

New Feature: The ‘Onboarding’ Tab is now available on all studies

Previously called the ‘Documents’ tab, the ‘Onboarding’ tab is an easily accessible place for Relying Sites to find any additional documents (i.e., Reviewing IRB SOPs, Reviewing IRB Communication Plans, Part 2 Consent Forms) that were uploaded by the Reviewing IRB or Study Manager to help facilitate sites’ local submission process.

Reviewing IRBs and Study Managers can upload additional documents using the Add Document button on the Onboarding taband keep this list of documents current by moving any outdated documents down under the ‘Archived Documents’ section using the Archive button.

Relying Sites that do not have initial approval will default to the Onboarding tab when accessing the study page. Relying sites will be able to access these documents, along with their sIRB instructions, for the life of the study.

New Feature: Allow to resend ‘Request Agreements’ notification

Reviewing IRBs and Study Managers can resend the Request Agreements notification to sites with incomplete agreements. From the Status Summary’s Agreement column, use the drop down and press ‘Request Agreements’ to resend a notification. The button and pop-up will show the last date the request agreement notification was sent for the site. 

Updated Feature: Renamed ‘Add Site Coordinator Access’ from the Approval History tab

The ‘Add Site Coordinator Access’ menu option on the Approval History tab, has been renamed to ‘Add Study Team Access’. The Reviewing IRB and Study Managers can now give additional or new PIs access to the study using the ‘Add Study Team Access’ dialog at any time. Previously, they were only able to give coordinators access.