Category Archives: IREx Study Manager

New Feature: Agreement Checker Available to All Users

Our newest IREx Feature, the “Agreement Checker”, is a dynamic report page allowing you to list potential participating sites to see if they have signed the SMART IRB reliance agreement, joined IREx, and signed the sIRB’s Letter of Indemnification, if applicable. The list can also be exported into a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The Agreement Checker can be of particular help to sIRB’s who want to contact sites to complete agreements before a study is created in IREx, or for study managers gauging site readiness and preparing reliance instruction for sites (sample here). The “Agreement Checker” is located under the Resources section on the IREx homepage after logging into IREx.

Updated Feature: Improved Getting Started Checklist for Study Managers Uploading Approvals

As of March 2020, Study Managers can upload Continuing Reviews and Study-Wide Amendments on behalf of the sIRB. This month we improved their Getting Started Checklist to avoid some confusion. The steps “Upload Overall Study Approval” and “Publish Approval” disappear from the checklist once Study Managers have done these steps, so they know they are complete for that review and the next step is to upload approval for relying sites

Updated Feature: New Document Types on Approvals

Document types are used in IREx to help manage files associated with a study’s approval. For clarification, IREx has renamed Consents to Consents & Assents, and added document types for Grant Application, Measures, Recruitment & Advertisements, and Other IRB Approved Documents. The new categories will make it easier for users on IREx to find their study documents.

New Feature: Tracking Combo Sites Now Supported in IREx

Combo Sites, defined as one study team engaging multiple FWAs for the same study, are now supported on IREx. In the past, SIRBs and Study Managers had no way to group sites together to ensure all documentation was in place before review. Moreover, relying sites had to duplicate information (e.g., PI Survey). Now, Combo Sites are marked with a blue link icon throughout IREx and have several features to ensure reliance documentation is completed by each FWA in the most streamlined way possible. For more information, please visit our resources page, organized by role on our menu toolbar and watch our Combo Site trailer on YouTube.

Updated Feature: Redesigned Participating Sites Dialog for Study Managers and sIRBs

The Participating Sites Dialog, used by the SIRB or Study Manager to add participating sites to a study, has a new intuitive design. Here, a site can be added with the PI and/or Coordinator information. If the PI or coordinator is an existing IREx user, their information will be auto-filled. You can also add additional FWAs if one study team engages multiple FWAs (“Combo Site”). Please watch our 3-minute YouTube video to learn more about adding sites to a study.

New Feature: sIRBs are no Longer Required to Upload Overall Approval for Continuing Reviews & Study-wide Amendments

To further streamline the work of the sIRB in IREx and avoid delays in posting approvals, the Study Manager can now post the overall/lead site approval for continuing reviews and amendments. In the past, the sIRB had to upload this before the Study Manager could upload approvals for Relying Sites. Now, this is a single process that can be completed by the Study Manager.

The sIRB is now only required to create the study and post the overall study or lead site approval initial approval. Thereafter, all approval documents are managed by the Study Manager.

Updated Feature: Single Entry of Team Personnel Added by Study Manager

The site contacts (e.g., PI or Coordinator) listed by the Study Manager will auto-fill as members of the study team when the Participating Site HRPP registers for a study. This allows the HRPP Liaison to confirm existing contacts, rather than having to re-enter the contact information. After the HRPP liaison has registered and confirmed the contacts, they receive access to IREx and the study. After a site has registered, the PI and Coordinator information is locked to the Study Managers, so the site edits personnel if needed.