In December, IREx added a PDF of the site-specific SSRP to the Local Considerations export. Now, the SSRP PDF is available for download from the Status Summary tab when you click on the Reliance Decision for a site. This is an additional way to review details of a site’s SSRP for a study. The name of the file includes the participating site’s name.
Category Archives: Reviewing IRB
New Feature: Email Notifications for Updated Approvals
A new email notification is now sent when any existing approval – for the overall study or a participating site – is updated. For example, if additional documents are uploaded or exchanged, an email will notify the relying site’s HRPP and study team personnel of the revisions and the exact changes are detailed in a table. The notification will bring clarity to the email notifications and ensure sites are aware of updates or changes to their approval, as specified in section 5.9 of the SMART IRB Agreement, “Notification of IRB Decisions, Changes, Lapses in Approval.”
New Feature: Lead Site Display
For some studies, the institution serving as the Reviewing or Single IRB (sIRB) is not the lead site for the study. To distinguish roles and provide greater specification, IREx now allows the sIRB to identify a Lead Site. This information will be displayed in the first tab in IREx, now called the “Study-wide Approvals Tab”.
Updated Feature: Notifications when Local Considerations are Edited
After local considerations are completed, additional information or clarifications may be necessary from relying sites. IREx has always notified the sIRB and Study Manager when Local Considerations are updated. Now, this notification will include a detailed table outlining the changes that were made to each survey.
Updated Feature: Updates to Status Summary Export
IREx helps manage Letters of Indemnification (LOIs) for institutions that require them when serving as the sIRB. On a given study, the sIRB can track whether or not a site has signed their LOI on the Status Summary tab and the Status Summary Export. Now, the Status Summary export will also include the date participating sites signed the LOI. Additionally, the Status Summary export has been updated so that the date of initial approval is always included. The export still includes the most recent approval date, if there are approvals beyond the initial approval.
Updated Feature: Renamed Tabs
You will notice some rewording of the study page tabs. The first, blue tab is now titled Study-wide IRB Approvals (before called “Reviewing IRB Approvals”) because these documents are relevant to all sites. The second, orange tab is now titled Site-specific IRB Approvals (before called “Relying Site Approvals”) because it captures documents for each site. Both tabs retain the same functions as before but are more appropriately named.
Updated Feature: Protocol Version
When creating a study or adding an amendment, a version name is required for the protocol. The “Protocol Version” field has been relabeled as “Protocol Date and/or Version” to clarify that users should enter the version number as entered on the protocol, which is often a date. In IREx trainings, users have also been encouraged to enter the amendment number in the summary of changes so that it is reflected on IREx and on email notifications sent out when changes are made.
Updated Feature: Up to Date IREx Resources
It has been a busy season in IREx with many updates, so the resources below now reflect the new features.
Updated Feature: Enhanced PDF Export of Local Considerations Surveys
Local considerations received another enhancement this month: PDF Exports of the surveys now include embedded HRPP Liaison and PI signatures, respectively, rather than including the signatures as separate files. These surveys record important study-specific information and support national sIRB initiatives.
Updated Feature: Modified Continuing Review Documentation for Studies Closed to Enrollment
Although studies that are designated as Greater than Minimal Risk (GTMR) require consent forms, IREx now allows for the input of GTRM Continuing Reviews that are reviewed via the expedited review process. A consent form is no longer a required document for these reviews to better facilitate, for example, studies that are closed to enrollment. This change helps accommodate nuances of different phases of study conduct.