Category Archives: Reviewing IRB

Official Documentation of Reliance Email

IREx sends an official documentation of reliance email to the Reviewing IRB Liaisons, Participating Site HRPP Liaisons and Study Team Members.

This email is sent after the Participating Site HRPP Liaison has accepted the Reviewing IRB’s study-specific reliance plan (SSRP). A PDF of the letter of reliance is attached to this email.

Add draft documents on study creation

IREx allows Reviewing IRB Liaisons to upload draft documents such as draft protocols and informed consent documents during study creation. These documents are visible on the Reviewing IRB approvals tab to all Participating Sites and are labeled as drafts. Users receive a pop-up warning before they download the documents letting them know that the documents have not yet been approved by the sIRB.

Add New Sites not in IREx

Reviewing IRB Liaisons can use the Add a Site button on the Edit Participating Sites window to list additional sites on their studies in IREx. Reviewing IRB Liaisons can also type in the institution name if they are not already listed in IREx and the IREx team will add the institution as a site to IREx (note: the site must still be onboarded to get access to IREx).