Using irex as the reviewing irb
document reliance arrangements
Use IREx to capture site’s agreement completion and study-specific cede decisions, as well as document the flexible elements of reliance.
capture site-specific local considerations
Use IREx to centralize the collection of study-specific documentation from sites and their progress completing the steps to reliance.
facilitate communications with sites
Use IREx to automate communications with site HRPPs and study teams around reliance decisions, site progress towards reliance, and sIRB approvals.
provide tools for lead study teams and coordinating centers
Use IREx to empower your study manager (lead study team/coordinating center) to help with sIRB coordination and tracking.
Single IRB Resources For Your Study
Serve as the
Single IRB
Use a Study Manager (SM) on a study
- Leverage the lead study team to help onboard sites
- Download SM one-pager
- Add additional SM access
Initial Approval for Lead Site or Overall Study
- Study Manager or sIRB can upload
- Download quick guide
Study-wide Amendment Approvals
- Changes apply to all sites
- Study manager can manage upload
- Download quick guide
Site Amendment Approvals
- Changes for a single site
- Study manager can manage upload
- Download quick guide
Approval Documents Captured in IREx
- Study-wide documents for overall study
- Site-specific documents for sites
- Customizing document types
IREx Template Instructions
- Use IREx to send sites instructions
- Instructions on sIRB process for sites
- Instructions on required agreements
- Describe consent form process
Fulfill SMART IRB Documentation & Notification Requirements in IREx
- Notify sites of cede decisions (SMART IRB 3.2.3)
- Notify relying site PIs and HRPPs of review decisions (SMART IRB 5.8)
- Communicate Local Considerations to the reviewing IRB (SMART IRB 6.6)
General Resources for Using IREx
Study-specific Local Considerations (LC)
IREx Demo Site Now Available!
If you are curious about how to use IREx as the Reviewing or Single IRB, you can now practice in the IREx Demo site! Contact us ( to request access to the IREx “Sandbox” where you can practice creating studies and using various IREx featues before setting up your study in the live site.